Safety is one of the most important values. Our products meet all relevant legal requirements and have the necessary certificates, marks and a declaration of performance.

When buying building materials, pay attention to the symbols on the labels and packaging. It is good to know what they mean and why it is so important for a product to have them.

CE or B marking

By law, all building materials distributed within the European Union must have a CE mark (if subject to European regulations), or a B mark (if subject to national regulations). The procedure for assessing the conformity of a product involves extensive documentation, risk analysis, laboratory testing and introducing and maintaining factory production control. The absence of such a label puts the company who markets such product at risk and a threat of being fined.

In a nutshell – what do the two symbols indicate?

Construction mark ➡️ the ‘B’ symbol on a label indicates that the manufacturer is responsible for the conformity of this product with the declared performance.

CE marking ➡️ this graphic symbol indicates that the product meets the requirements set out in EU harmonised legislation No. 305/2011 (1). If this symbol is put on the label, the manufacturer takes responsibility for the conformity of the product with the declared performance characteristics and the requirements set out in Regulation No. 305/2011.

Declaration of performance

The declaration of performance contains a table with all the most important information about the product, including its trade name, type, intended use, technical specification, manufacturer’s data or declared performance. It’s a kind of ‘building material’s ID card’ and an obligatory document that you should get immediately after purchase.

When a product has a Declaration of Performance it can be labelled with the ‘CE’ or ‘B’ mark. Marketing a product labelled with a ‘CE’ or ‘B’ mark without a Declaration of performance may result in a fine.

Safety and security

All Polychem Systems products intended for building applications have all the legally required documents to be marked.

In practice, this means that:

  • Our products are according to one standard
  • Our products are compliant to the current regulations
  • You can be sure of your constructions’ safety and durability.

Detailed information on current legislation applicable to building materials can be found on the website of the Central Construction Supervision Office.